Haula Vingard (wineyard)

"Working the soil since 1615".

The history of Nina Viddal's family stretches back almost 500 years. For almost half a millennium, they have supported themselves by farming and fishing in a challenging landscape and harsh climate. Her ancestors struggled through harsh winters and changing weather conditions - fighting the elements and trying to play along with nature through hard work and willpower.

In 2015, Nina took over the family farm and planted her first wine grapes the following year. Here at 62 degrees north, she grows wine grapes in what can be called marginal areas, and must be both patient and steadfast to succeed. The farm is run according to biodynamic principles, and the goal is to create quality sparkling wine.  

The Haula farm cannot offer its own wine  for the time being,  but is open during the season for tours and tastings of wine corresponding to what they wish to make themselves. The farmer is also a trained sommelier and is particularly interested in biodynamic and natural wine.

Tours must be booked in advance!

You can find more information on Instagram and Facebook.

Tel: +47 920 39 365

Photo: Haula Vineyard

Tourist information

The tourist office at the shopping center Alti in Ørsta can help you with booking experiences or questions you may have about the trip.
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+47 913 67 470
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